Audio Horror | New beginnings

I realize of late that I have not posted much, grad school is finally catching up with me, especially since I am rounding the final hurdles for my Master’s Degree. Despite my super-busy schedule between school, work, and being an active father in the lives of my two very busy toddlers I still find time to engage in horror, and I still want to share it with you. The problem is I don’t always have time to expound on a movie or a full novel (let alone watch/read them).

It dawned on me this week that my most active engagement in horror right now is through the podcasts that I listen to every week. Some of the best stuff I have ever encountered has been in these podcasts. SO… I going forward I have created this new category for the blog called Audio Horror. I will link to these audio feed (most of which are free) talk about some of the stuff that I have listened to and take the time to give the authors of these stories a well deserved shout out. These will be nice short blurbs that I should be able to put out regularly and give us all something to think on.

There will also be a new set of links on the side bar that will contain all the horror related podcasts I currently listen to if you want to follow along. As always please feel free to share what you think and give me recommendations.