Types of Horror | Everyday Horror

In interesting thing about human psychology is that we actually attend to very little of what is going on around us. The brain simply edits all of our perceptions on the fly. It takes what it finds to be important and filters out the rest. For the most part this keeps us alive and happy. There is a darker side to this though. One of the most intriguing things about studying horror is that you begin to see it everywhere, skulking about in every corner of our lives. Like a glamour we are blind to it either willfully or unwittingly. I am not talking about the horrors of war, violent crimes, or the general mill of human travesties. These things are terrible, and to a degree we pass over those too with a blind-eye. No, the horror I am talking about is what happens when come to some very strange realizations that things you thought were innocent or mundane are actually quite horrific.  Here are a couple to wet your whistle:


Oil Gusher-original by John Trost

Oil Gusher-original by John Trost

You might wonder to yourself what is so horrific about oil. Keeping the environmentalism aspect out of it, I want you to stop and think. We live in a world where oil has made so many modern marvels possible. It gives us light, heats our houses, provided transportation, and it’s were all the plastic that makes up most of our gizmos and gadgets comes from. Oil is responsible for our way of life. But what you have not stopped to think about is the reality of oil’s original form. We live on a world built upon and powered by the dead!

Toy Story

How can there possibly be anything in this jolly movie about childhood that makes your mom cry when she sees it because it reminds her of her babies that are now grown-up (yeah this is my mom)? Never mind all the movies in the  series lack an adult-gaze that leaves you puzzled, if not disturbed. The everyday horror in this one is this scene right here.

Have you really ever stopped to think about what this meant for Sid? I mean yeah we root for the toys in the moment, but this kid just had his world-view rocked. If toys are now sentient, what else might be sentient? Think about the consequences that would occur from this. Here is a kid who obviously has some psychological issues, fire-starting, bullying, toy mutilation, consistent behavioral regulation problem (kicked-out of camp earlier this year) then you add on a paranoid belief that his toys are alive and are out to get him. This kid would get slapped with an early-onset schizophrenia disorder and wind up on anti-psychotics the rest of his life, for a belief, that in reality, is true. Does this fate sound familiar? To any self-respecting Lovecraft fan it should.

These are just a couple of every day horror moments. What are some every day horror moments that you can think of or experience?