Audio Horror | The Showers

This little gem of audio horror comes to us from the NoSleepAudio podcast, written by Dylan Sindelar. While it has been out since last October I have been way behind in my podcast listening.

Urban legends are the stock and staple kind of horror stories that are swapped by kids and adults alike. They are are always told to us as though undeniably true because it came to us from a friend’s cousin’s girlfriend and it “really” happened to her or someone she knows. But what would happen if the urban legend turned out to be true?
This kind of thinking is not new to horror. The movie Candyman was about this very theme, and while the ending to this story is not quite as macabre it will still leave you with a nice sense of dread in the pit of your stomach.

It is the last story in this episode of the podcast, I recommend listening to the whole podcast, but if you want to just skip to this story it around 0:45:30.
You can also read the story on the sub-reddit NoSleep here.


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