Lovecraft Quotes | Those who search for horror

“Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places”

– H.P. Lovecraft  The Picture in the House

I love this opening line from The Picture in the House, which by far is one of the creepiest stories that I have ever read, and in my opinion is probably the source for the cannibal/mutant yokel trope that you find in horror movies like The Hills have Eyes, Wrong Turn, Texas Chainsaw massacre,etc. But back to the quote, I have often found myself in many a strange and far place, sometime on purpose and sometime on accident, and encountered horror. From graveyards across the US, abandoned farmsteads and ghost towns in parts of the Old West, to haunted swamps in Brazil, I have found many a weird and eerie phenomenon. Sometime I left in wonder and other times I left horror struck.

What experience have you had? Were you searching for horror or did horror find you?

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